For the MTB Store, Westwerk has designed a likeable and down-to-earth branding with a twinkle in the eye, all about the love of cycling.


Unusual branding for an unusual bike store

The MTB Store, a renowned specialist bike store and proud service partner of Hope, stands for passion for cycling. Based on the DNA of mountain bikes, MTB also offers everything to do with racing bikes, trekking bikes and city bikes. As a long-standing partner, Westwerk has enthusiastically designed a unique branding that emphasizes the store's unconventional personality. The minimalist branding, which nevertheless appears loud thanks to bright colors and cheeky wording, underlines the store's power and passion for cycling.

Used tools

WebflowAdobe Creative CloudAdobe Illustrator

Challenge and solution

The challenge was to create a branding that captures the extraordinary character of the MTB store. The store impresses with its own connection to the bike community and the friendly, relaxed manner of the team. Westwerk has developed an unusual yet minimalist design concept: With plenty of white space and the use of expressive Pantone colors, a visual appearance was created that captures both the freedom and enthusiasm of cycling. The MTB Store celebrated its 25th anniversary with an event at which “mates” of the store rode a set trail together and toasted the success with a beer at the end. The logo and the invitation to this event emphasized the three core attributes of the store: “Mates, Trails, Beer” in their design.

The special edition anniversary logo with the incorporated 25 emphasizes the store's long history.

The open basic idea is also visually reinforced on the website with moving gifs and an unusually relaxed wording.


The branding of the MTB store is distinctive and bold. The letters MTB leave room for each customer's individual associations. A visual concept that gets to the heart of the store's personality. The business equipment such as business cards and notepads reflect the minimalist basic line of the design, while merch items such as stickers, shirts and socks provide space for the cheeky and relaxed character of the store.

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