Für die WoMM haben wir ein nerdig-verspieltes Branding entwickelt, das die Welt der Softwareentwicklung auf eine zugängliche Weise verkörpert.


Wo Code auf Innovation trifft

Die “Works on My Machine” ist keine gewöhnliche Developer Konferenz — sie ist eine Reise ins Herz der Softwareentwicklung. Hier dreht sich alles um reale Anwendbarkeit, um Verbesserung von Codierfähigkeiten, Erweiterung von Lösungskompetenzen und Vertiefung von Verständnis der neuesten Programmierparadigmen. Ein beeindruckendes Line-up an Gästen, innovative Workshops, inspirierende Einblicke und ein einzigartiges Rahmenprogramm warten auf alle Teilnehmenden.

Genutze Tools

Adobe IllustratorAdobe Creative CloudAdobe PhotoshopWebflow

The challenge, solution and result

The Works on My Machine (WoMM) Developer Conference is held entirely in English in Aarhus, Denmark. The global nature of the conference presented us with the challenge of developing a design that captures the fundamental essence of software development internationally.

We rose to the challenge and created a branding that embodies the fundamental characteristics of software development using the pixel look. We created a design that not only stands out, but also appeals to the global community. The playful icons and bright colors add a dash of nerdiness to the branding, while the clean structure presents the information in a clear and accessible way.

The result is a design that is more than just pure aesthetics. It is a reflection of WoMM - innovative, vibrant and boundless. With a visual concept that captures the world of development, WoMM stands out from other conferences. It's not just a place for talks and workshops, but an experience that will inspire, challenge and push you forward.

The icons can be used in a variety of ways and are suitable as decorative design elements as well as stickers.

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