Die UX Nordic Konferenz wurde von uns sowohl gestalterisch begleitet, als auch technisch vor Ort unterstützt und im Live-Stream übertragen.


Mehr als eine Konferenz

Die UX Nordic ist nicht nur irgendeine Konferenz; sie ist unser eigenes Flaggschiff-Event, das im Jahr 2023 zum zweiten Mal im malerischen Aarhus, Dänemark stattfindet. Unser deutsches Team hatte das Privileg, maßgeblich an der Markengestaltung, dem Eventdesign, der Live-Technik und dem Streaming für Online-Teilnehmer beteiligt zu sein. Unsere dänischen Kollegen von der Westwerk ApS übernehmen die organisatorische Verantwortung für das Event.

Genutze Tools

WebflowFigmaAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorAdobe After EffectsAdobe Creative Cloud

Challenge, solution and result

An event of this scale and importance requires a high level of attention to detail, from event aesthetics to ensuring a smooth user experience for online viewers. Another goal was to promote not only information transfer, but also networking and exchange. In addition to the careful selection of speakers and presentations, a workshop day was also designed where attendees can dive deeper into specific UX topics through separate tickets. The highlight of the first day is the kick-off party with the presentation of the UX Nordic Award, a prestigious prize awarded by an independent jury. The main conference day offers a wealth of presentations and panels on two parallel stages. For those who can't be there, we've set up a live streaming option so UX enthusiasts worldwide can join us. The UX Nordic Conference 2023 was a resounding success. With a combination of exciting content, great design and high-quality technical delivery, we were able to create an event that is valuable for both beginners and experienced UX professionals. The feedback from attendees, both onsite and online, was overwhelmingly positive. We are incredibly proud of this and look forward to the coming years!

The geometric key visual ensures a modern recognition value and is also ideal for animation in all digital applications thanks to its variability.

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