Für das Tochterunternehmen des Logistikers LPR haben wir ein Corporate Design inklusive Website-Konzeption und -Programmierung entwickelt.

ConsultingBrandingFull stack developmentUI/UXCopywritingPhotoshoot

Wer A sagt muss auch PI sagen

Als junges, eigenverantwortliches Unternehmen, das aus der LPR hervorgegangen ist, fokussiert sich LPR IT Solutions darauf, Unternehmen in die digitalisierte Zukunft zu begleiten. Mit einem starken Hintergrund in der Logistikbranche kombiniert das Team technisches Know-how mit Kommunikationsstärke, Flexibilität und Kreativität. Zu den Leistungen gehören Prozessoptimierung, Silo-Konsolidierung, API-Schnittstellenentwicklung und vieles mehr. Mit dem Ziel, komplexe Systeme verständlich und benutzerfreundlich zu gestalten, tritt LPR IT Solutions mit der Mission an, IT für alle greifbar zu machen.

Genutze Tools

Adobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorKirbySketch

Based on the look of software editors, we have created a corporate design that is noticeable in color. Cheeky illustrations provide a little wink.

Challenge, solution and result

Our main task was to create a corporate identity that the LPR IT Solutions team could identify with and that clearly communicated the essence of the company to customers and partners. This included the design of a logo that both shows the relationship to the parent company LPR and emphasizes the independence of LPR IT Solutions. Inspired by the visuals in software editors, we incorporated graphic elements from the program code, including a color scheme that references syntax highlighting, a monospace font and dot design elements that symbolize the binary system. The corporate design also included the development of a tonality for text as well as the creation of all website content and photography of the LPR IT Solutions team and their offices. The project was successfully completed and the new website successfully launched. Both the LPR IT Solutions team and those responsible at the parent company LPR expressed their satisfaction with the end result.

The new tonality and color scheme of the design enable visual differentiation. The LPR affiliation becomes visible with the help of the logo.

New business

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